It has a secret shallow drawer where I've found a new home for all my remote controls etc...
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
We actually thought finding a home design would be an ardous task but it turned out we both agreed pretty much on the same thing. Guess you can say, we're both 'wired' the same way! :) Anyhoo, again, my (bargaining) negotiation skills went on overdrive and have now secured a floor plan that would hopefully last us a lifetime. Here's a sneak peek on how it will (sort of) look like:
It's a jazzed up display home but essentially, it is shaped like this. We're both really into Japanese style home decor and that's where we're heading! I say bring on the bamboo, bamboo and more bamboo!! Oh yes, speaking of Japanese homes, I've learnt that 'shingles' is a design for roof tiles and not necessary a medical condition...
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Or a stroll by the 'women's products' aisle to browse for the latest offer on sanitary napkins. And hark! What do I see? Stayfree with a new and improved product that is ... **GASP** ... washable???
For those of you who don't know what the writing in yellow means, well, it means "Easy to Wash"!
Oh, sweet memories for some but not all, as I read on....
All under the very same pergola..
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
During my sick days at home, Sam suggested I leave the house to get some ‘fresh’ air. But I didn’t think I could go very far on my feet so he drove me to the cinema to watch a movie! We watched 2 movies, actually, and I was grateful for those few hours of having my mind off being sick..
I insisted on watching Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. I thought the trailer looked funny, so curiosity got the better of me. Turned out, it’s a little bit OTT and try hard scary-movie-meets-date-movie humour. But overall, good escapism (considering the ‘delicate’ situation I was in!) and it was nice to see the two together again actually!
As my health got better, I thought of watching another movie. Well, actually I was hanging out to see Jet Li in The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor! (see earlier blog entry) I enjoyed it! I don’t care what other people say about it and bagging it, but I didn’t mind it at all. It was done true to the Mummy ‘genre’ and I didn’t think it could’ve been done any other way. i.e. more serious?? Just think in terms of how the last 2 Mummys were done. One thing I didn’t get… well two things actually.. is firstly, the Yetis. What’s with the Yetis and who do they work for!!?? :) Hmmm…. If they did away with the abominable snowmen, I’m sure they could come up with clever alternate near-death escapes.. Then there is Brendon Fraser. Good to see him again though but does this guy ever age? Surely some kind of makeup can make him look a little more like the father of Alex, who’s all grown up now suddenly with a very distinct American accent as opposed to the little boy Alex (in Mummy 2) who sounded more like his British mum when he spoke! Well, I guess it’s all make believe and I was enjoying every minute of Jet Li…. Oh, and Michelle too..
Sunday, August 24, 2008

He checked into this 5-start hotel over the weekend and when he got into bed, he was strangled, push and squashed the whole night. He later described that he was punching and kicking the whole night. Well, I have those too, even on my own bed! It’s just bad sleep for me, where I feel that my brain is awake but I just can’t move my body. But I’ve never once attributed that to having a ghost ‘squash’ my chest!
Another incident where I was sharing a hotel room with a friend of mine. We were on separate single beds and I was suddenly awoken by her murmuring and ‘whining’. Then I sat up to look at her and tried to wake her by calling her name. She then continued the murmuring and ‘whining’ and stirred. I yelled out her name again, simply because she was starting to annoy me for waking me up! Then she jumped up, tore off her blanket with great speed and bolted towards my bed and plonked herself on me, narrowly missing my arm! She looked pale and dazed and quickly said, “Argh! I’ve been squashed by something! I couldn’t move!” Sigh, woke me up for nothing!
Anyway, does anyone have any haunted hotel experiences to share, you may post a comment!
Friday, August 15, 2008
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Anyway, day 2 of the Games and the women's gymnastics had a good start. We had first coverage of the Chinese and Romanians on the beam & vault and later floor excercise. And indeed, from my previous post, they have started using the new scoring system – with the perfect score of 17.
In summary, the scroring changes are as follows:
A Score = Difficulty
Starts from 0.00 and builds according to difficulty, with 7.0+ on some apparatus.
B Score = Execution
Starts from 10.00 with deduction for errors. (9.0+ is excellent)
Final score = A + B
After watching the Chinese in action on the floor excerise, these athletes have raised the bar (to suit the new scoring system) by choosing up to 5 (diagonal) tumbling runs! The tumbling combinations are SICK but so far the Chinese have nailed the team event.
We have yet to have any coverage on the Aussie girls but we're keeping the telly on. Watch this space...
Friday, August 8, 2008
Many people usually have pianos in their homes, even if no one plays them anymore, they look good as a part of decorative furniture. As for MY household, you will find pieces of violins (even miniature ones!) everywhere, with my 4/4 cello standing bravely in my living room.
A friend of mine from overseas sent this photo of a fine piece of antique ‘furniture’ (no one plays it in the house!) which is apparently about 100 years old. It had a few aesthetic repairs done over the years but it’s a very special piano. If you look closely, the front portion of the piano is made of glass that you can see through the keys inside the piano. So, it’s not all wood!
All eyes on Beijing now and I trust you won’t have a problem identifying the ‘jailbirds’ from the crowd! Last week, Elvis’ Jailhouse Rock music video was on TV and I could’ve sworn it looked like an Elvis inspired design!
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
There are 4 apparatus for women’s Gymnastics, which are floor, vault, beam and uneven bars.
For each apparatus there are 1 head judge, 2 judges mark technical content, 6 judges mark execution. The highest and lowerst score of the 6 is discarded and the average taken for the remaining marks which are out of 10. Although there has been discussion about the new scoring system which may be introduced at the Olympics this year. It’s the new perfect score of 17!
Anyway, one preliminary round determines who qualifies for the 3 competitions (medals) - which are 1 team event, 1 all-round event and finals on each apparatus.
1. The top 8 Teams (countries) of 6 gymnasts each, of which only 3 team members competing on each apparatus.
2. The top 24 gymnasts from the preliminary round compete - with a maximum 2 competitors per country.
3. The top 8 gymnasts compete on each apparatus - with a maximum 2 competitors per country.
The floor exercise will consist of 70 secs of speed and agility to produce a sequence of jumps somersaults and twists.
As for the vault, well, just hope that the competitors don’t miss the spring board and run into it – head first. The vault has been replaced during 2001 and it’s now positioned differently to minimise any misses!
1min 30 secs on the balance beam, which is only 10cm wide!
And lastly, between 70 – 90 secs on the uneven bars.
Now that you’ve brushed up your Gymnastics 101, be sure to catch the exciting action!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Talk about advertising!
Moving on to somewhere else outside of shopping malls, I came across this very old and tattered sign. Eww.. I’d say, bring your own trunks and you wouldn’t wanna wear their swimshits!!
Another sign on our bathroom wall, taken in Beijing. I know things could get slippery when you run hot water in an enclosed bathroom but didn’t realise it effects the land beneath us too!!??
Monday, July 28, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Beibei is the Fish, JingJing is the Panda, HuanHuan is the Olympic Flame, YingYing is the Tibetan Antelope and NiNi is the Swallow. When you put their names together -- Bei Jing Huan Ying Ni means "Welcome to Beijing". I’ve read that each mascot has very specific (and elaborate) meaning and symbolic purpose. Let’s see:
BeiBei carries the blessing of prosperity. The fish is a symbol of prosperity and harvest. BeiBei is known to be gentle and pure. She represents all in water sports and she reflects the blue Olympic ring.
JingJing the panda makes children smile and as a national treasure and a protected species, pandas are adored by all. As such, JingJing symbolizes happiness. Jingjing is charmingly naïve and optimistic. He is an athlete noted for strength who represents the black Olympic ring.
This is me with HuanHuan! I fell in love with Huan Huan, I wanted to bring this home! No wonder I was attracted to the ‘red flames’ of this mascot, as I’ve read that HuanHuan is a child of fire, symbolizing the Olympic Flame and the passion of sport. Huanhuan is the big brother and stands in the center as the core embodiment of the Olympic spirit. And while he inspires all with the passion to run faster, jump higher and be stronger, he is also open and inviting. Huanhuan is outgoing and enthusiastic. He excels at all the ball games and represents the red Olympic ring.
YingYing is fast and agile like all antelopes, and can swiftly cover great stretches of land as he races across the earth. A symbol of the vastness of China's landscape, the antelope carries the blessing of health, the strength of body that comes from harmony with nature. Strong in track and field events, YingYing is a quick-witted and agile boy who represents the yellow Olympic ring.
NiNi's figure is drawn from this grand tradition of kite flying designs. Her golden wings symbolize the infinite sky and spread good-luck as a blessing wherever she flies. Nini is as innocent and joyful as a swallow. She is strong in gymnastics and represents the green Olympic ring.
So, which is your favourite?
Meanwhile, back at the Tour De France, no rest for the Aussies who will also be competing in Beijing right after the Tour finishes on Sunday. On Road race we have Cadel Evans (in Individual / Individual Time Trial), Simon Gerrans and Stuart O’Grady (both Individual). A non-competitor at this year’s Tour (but certainly not a stranger in past years) Brad McGee will compete in track racing Individual Pursuit 4000m and Team Pursuit 4000m. Good luck boys!
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
It was a gruelling Stage 15 filled with riding tactics and bone breaking crashes and Cadel finished relatively unscathed. But the not-so-lucky Oscar Pereiro was a victim of a nasty crash and suffered multiple fractures... and he's out...
Well at least the pressure's off Cadel for now, perhaps a good strategy to concentrate on the mountains later in the week. Stay tuned!
Monday, July 21, 2008

Anyway, here are some of the highlights of my competition career and other candid Wushu shots.. Enjoy the photos!

I hope to bring my camera to one of my training sessions and post some more updated photos..
Saturday, July 19, 2008
I have to admit that The Tour was dead for me along with the retirement of Lance Armstrong. I’m a huge fan of Lance and he made the tour special for me. But although I’ve stopped following it closely post-Lance, I’ve made a point to catch up with this year’s tour, this time rooting for Cadel Evans!
But I am really impressed to see sprint legend Erik Zabel in the starting line (again) this year, would’ve thought he would retire by now perhaps?? In very recent years, saw him being beaten by some notable Aussies like Robbie McEwan and Stuart O’Grady in the sprint finish, which as of today Oscar Freire is looking good in Green at 219 Pts, with Erik in 3rd place and Robbie on 8th place? Although, I can’t seem to find full list of standing for Green Jersey on Le Tour. Anyone knows, can post me a comment.
Anyway, back to Cadel. Clenching the Yellow at such an early stage (10th), will see him work extra hard to keep it on his back all the way to Paris. No rest for the wicked, I say, and I read in the web that all he wants is just a good night’s sleep before the L’Alpe-d’Huez later in the week! That’ll be THE test and I’m definately looking forward to catching it LIVE. Well, LIVE as in on TV of course. Although it’s been my dream to visit France in summer to follow the Tour and bask in the fields of sunflowers. (even if it does hell on my sinuses, its all worth it!)
But, yea, it will be interesting to see how our Aussies fare in this year’s Tour. Watch this space for more updates this week.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
And what caught my attention this morning when I was watching the morning show on TV was the rapping priest from the Bronx! How cool is he, imagine, rapping the Gospel to the Pope? Well, if it was me and I had a minute with the Pope, I’d like to teach him some Tai Chi! :) That’ll be awesome…
Monday, July 14, 2008
Let’s talk price here… hmmm I guess it depends on the manufacturer but so far I found the more affordable one is Gordon Max. I saw some classic rings that were under USD$200, well within my budget. And they have stores around Australia, Singapore and also one in KL. How convenient for my trip there next week! **All smiles** Will see if I end up buying any diamonds and will post it up on my blog then!

Friday, July 11, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Then came the sharing of labour experiences.. Some had lots of pain, some loved the experience, some wanted to kill their husbands for causing all that agony, and some just didn't feel the pain. One of the girls in the discussion group is about to have a baby and is choosing to have a caesarean. Then she started a discussion on C-section, in preperation for her own labour.
I did my own research, maybe one day I might have a kid and would probably choose C-section myself. Who knows.
There's a friend who had her son two years back under Caesarean and posted the video footage of the whole entire procedure and posted it on her blog! She has kindly invited us to link that footage so we can share it with those of you out there who are curious in knowing what this procedure entails. Very interesting actually. Enjoy this wonderous Caesarean birthing process! (Please click on the hyperlink)
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The recipes are simple to make and exotic and is just a click away. How easy is that. You can also share your own recipes with others by registering and posting it on the website.
Think I’ll try some Indonesian food today – Soto Bangkalan & Nasi Gurih sounds yummy!