Wednesday, September 17, 2008


I’m finally back after a long and arduous battle of a viral infection! It really took a toll on my body and I’m happy to say, I’m fit enough to resume my blogging!
During my sick days at home, Sam suggested I leave the house to get some ‘fresh’ air. But I didn’t think I could go very far on my feet so he drove me to the cinema to watch a movie! We watched 2 movies, actually, and I was grateful for those few hours of having my mind off being sick..
I insisted on watching Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay. I thought the trailer looked funny, so curiosity got the better of me. Turned out, it’s a little bit OTT and try hard scary-movie-meets-date-movie humour. But overall, good escapism (considering the ‘delicate’ situation I was in!) and it was nice to see the two together again actually!
As my health got better, I thought of watching another movie. Well, actually I was hanging out to see Jet Li in The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor! (see earlier blog entry) I enjoyed it! I don’t care what other people say about it and bagging it, but I didn’t mind it at all. It was done true to the Mummy ‘genre’ and I didn’t think it could’ve been done any other way. i.e. more serious?? Just think in terms of how the last 2 Mummys were done. One thing I didn’t get… well two things actually.. is firstly, the Yetis. What’s with the Yetis and who do they work for!!?? :) Hmmm…. If they did away with the abominable snowmen, I’m sure they could come up with clever alternate near-death escapes.. Then there is Brendon Fraser. Good to see him again though but does this guy ever age? Surely some kind of makeup can make him look a little more like the father of Alex, who’s all grown up now suddenly with a very distinct American accent as opposed to the little boy Alex (in Mummy 2) who sounded more like his British mum when he spoke! Well, I guess it’s all make believe and I was enjoying every minute of Jet Li…. Oh, and Michelle too..

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